Indian Kino Tree Extract

Pterocarpus Marsupium Bark, also known as the Indian Kino Tree, is the key ingredient in all Nunature products. As the scalp ages, glycation (hardening of peri-follicular collagen) occurs, causing hair loss. Indian Kino Tree Extract delays aging with its powerful anti-free radical properties, thus preventing cell damage and improving cell metabolism.

Silk Amino Acids

Extracted from raw silk, Silk Amino Acids are naturally-occurring water-soluble glycoproteins. These molecules penetrate deeply to strengthen, rebuild and nourish damaged hair without causing any buildup. When the scalp soaks up its benefits, hair also becomes softer, fuller-bodied and stronger.

Hydrolyzed Soy Protein

The essential amino acids in Soy Protein deliver nutrients to the scalp to maintain its balance. In the short term, it provides the scalp with essential nutrients for cell renewal, and over the long term, Soy Protein improves cellular metabolism.

Pea Peptides

Derived from Pisum Sativum, Pea Peptides are a cutting-edge stem cell activating technology. By activating the stem cells in hair follicles, hair and scalp health is boosted, thus promoting hair growth. Over time, this helps hair to grow back stronger, healthier and shinier.